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What is a doula?

A doula is a trained professional who provides physical, emotional, and informational support to individuals before, during, and after childbirth.

What kind of births do doulas support?

Doulas can support various types of births, including natural births, medicated births, cesarean births, home births, hospital births, water births, and VBACs (vaginal birth after cesarean). Their role is to provide continuous support regardless of the birth setting or medical interventions involved. Home births must be attended by a midwife as well.

When should I hire a doula?

It's ideal to hire a doula early in your pregnancy, typically during the second trimester, to allow time for building a relationship with the doula and discussing your birth preferences. However, it's never too late to hire a doula, even if you're in the later stages of pregnancy.

What does a birth doula do?

Birth doulas meet with you prenatally, offer support throughout your labor and birth, and are there for you as you go into your postpartum chapter. Things that are included in doula work: prenatal visits, telephone/email support, on-call availability, assistance and support during labor and birth, assistance with getting baby into the optimal fetal positioning, breastfeeding support, resources and more.

How does a birth doula work with my partner?

Doulas work collaboratively with partners to provide support during childbirth. They help partners understand their role in the birthing process, offer guidance on comfort measures and communication techniques, and provide reassurance and encouragement. Doulas also ensure that partners feel involved and empowered in supporting the birthing individual, enhancing the overall birth experience for both partners.

How does a doula help with a medicated or cesarean birth?

In medicated and cesarean births, a doula provides emotional support, offers information and advocacy, assists with comfort measures, supports the partner, and offers postpartum support.

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